Digital Word Problem

Pendulum Problem

If the simple pendulum in the picture makes 3 full swings in 1.5 seconds. How many full swings will it make in 12 minutes?


Find out how many swings there are in 1 second (divide):

3 swings/1.5 sec= 2 swings/sec

Find out how many swings in 1 minute (multiply):

There are 60 seconds in a minute
2 swings * 60 sec= 120 swings in 1 minute

Find out how many swings in 12 minutes:

            If there are 120 swings in 1 min, then multiply the number of swings by time
            120 swings*12 min= 1440 swings

Therefore, the pendulum makes 1440 full swings in 12 minutes.

Links to the Curriculum

            The above problem can link to the overall or specific expectation from grades 6-8. The problem has to be modified if used for grades 4-5.

·       Grade 4 OE: demonstrate an understanding of proportional reasoning by investigating whole-number rates. SE: demonstrate an understanding of simple multiplicative relationships involving unit rates
·       Grade 5 OE: demonstrate an understanding of proportional reasoning by investigating whole-number rates. SE: describe multiplicative relationships between quantities by using simple fractions and decimals
·       Grade 6 SE: represent relationships using unit rates
·       Grade 7 OE: demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using percent, ratio, and rate. SE: demonstrate an understanding of rate as a comparison, or ratio, of two measurements with different units; solve problems involving the calculation of unit rates

·       Grade 8 OE: solve problems by using proportional reasoning in a variety of meaningful contexts. SE: solve problems involving rates

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