Sunday 8 November 2015

Reflection 8


This week's session was very informative. We learned a lot about geometry and spatial sense. It is a great, challenging, and fun topic. As educators, we might come across this question from students: "Why do we need geometry in our lives?" We need to be prepared to answer such questions. We need to believe geometry is important first before passing on the knowledge to others. So After some research, experience and my own thoughts I came up with a list:

1. To be able to understand the wonder of the worlds shape and appreciate it, we need to be able to understand and have knowledge of spatial use. 

2. Geometry will assist us in understanding the relationship between shapes and sizes 

3. Some people think in shapes and sizes, others think with visual abilities

4. Science and technology require knowledge of geometry

5. Geometry helps bring together both sides of your brain. The left-brain is more logical, technical, whereas the right-brain is the part that visualizes and where the artist gets their creative inspiration from

6. In the fields of television, moves and even little things like puzzles or books all are influenced by geometry

7. Geometry gives us a base for students to make sue of concrete materials and activities.

There are many other reasons of why we need to study geometry, I only listed a few above. 

From our class this week, the presentations taught me something new. It is that we can teach the math curriculum only through geometry itself. We can incorporate shapes in all of our lessons. How amazing can that be? Mostly, in the early years, geometry is taught through shapes and solids. Other topics within geometry include:

1. Line and segments
2. Shapes and solids
3. Triangles and angles
4. Platonic Solids
5. Coordiniate Grids
6. Radians
7. Conic Sections
8. Circumference
9. Polygons
10. Trignometry

There were few manipulatives introduced by classmates and the instructor that we could use in our lessons. It is best to have solid shapes as examples to show and teach the students about faces, vertices, edges and angles. The instructor also put up some puzzle games and another great OSMO iPad game kit. It would be a great station to have in a classroom for the students to work with. See picture below:

OSMO Kit. Photographed by Samia Sharif.

Other games:

Puzzles. Photographed by Samia Sharif.

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