Sunday 1 November 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Week #7!

  Reflection 7-

            This week’s topic in math class was algebra. My classmates did two learning activity presentations on this particular topic. Today’s presentations made me realize that I can reach an answer right away without focusing much on the process to the answer. However, students need to learn the process rather than the answer.
 I as a teacher candidate need to focus on the process of math problems. I need to learn how to break down problems for students. One problem can have many ways to get to the answer. At elementary level students can have many resources to learn particular concepts, in other words these can be called manipulatives. For example, the instructor today gave us blocks to come with an algebraic expression for a particular hexagonal pattern. We found an expression for the perimeter of the blocks.
Another way I have seen before to model algebraic equations is through the balance! I think it is a great visual to use when teaching. See example below:
Math is Fun. (2015). Introduction to Algebra. Retrieved online from

I realized that using variables for an algebraic expression could be confusing for some. So how should we explain to students why we use a letter? I found a simple answer to that from Math is Fun (

·      It is easier to write ‘x’ than drawing empty boxes (unknowns) (and easier to say ‘x’ than the empty box
·      If there are several empty boxes (several unknowns) we can use a different letter for each one
·      So x is simply better than having an empty box, but any other letter can also be used

I think it is interesting how our class is grouped rather than single desks for each of us. This way is great because we get to learn a lot from the people in our group. I would definitely implement this kind of setting in my classrooms in the future as a teacher. Hence, this was the first half of our session today.
The other half of our session today was lesson planning. We took our drafts of lesson planning today to the instructor for him to look it over. I have some areas where I need to touch up on. Lesson planning is an exciting part of teaching. It is the core of our teaching service. If the lesson plan is good than teaching, classroom management, and outcomes can be great as well. I want to gain the confidence to lesson plan and I am looking forward for it to become the intuitive part of me as a teacher.
According to the instructor, after much experience, the implementation of lesson planning will be become engraved in me as a teacher that I wouldn’t even realize that I am taking those certain steps. These thoughts are however for the future only, but what about the present? Our time for internship is coming up fast and I am nervous to teach because I want to put my best out there rather than getting confused.

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